Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Best Secrets When Taking Nude Photos

When it comes to taking nude photos, there are tons of tricks and no-no's. They seem like common sense, but you'd be surprised how many people fall victim to the "avoid doing this at all costs" and do it because they think they're right. Well, they're wrong. A nude photo can travel far, and for a long time. So no matter who you think you are, please follow these tips and tricks when taking nude photos.

1. Please do not ever take the photo yourself. MySpace has unfortunately pounded this idea into our heads but people, this is not legitimate. This is not a sexy angle, it is straight up lazy. No one wants to see your extended arm.

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2. Groom yourself properly before your big photo shoot. Cameras nowadays pick up everything from razor bumps to redness from waxing, to C-section scars and stretch marks, and of course the little tiny hairs growing on your nipples. Be sure to wax, plug, exfoliate, and use liberal amounts of makeup. Believe me, you're photo will be much more flattering when you groom properly. Photoshop can't fix everything.

The Best Secrets When Taking Nude Photos

3. Skip eating on photo day. No matter if you weigh 95 pounds or 250 pounds, if you go all day without eating you will feel much better when you look into the mirror, no lie. It is definitely a confidence thing above all.

4. Think hard before you decide to include your face in the photo. So what are some reasons you may want to include your face? Well for one, your eyes are what dictate your sexiness, above all. Obviously you are a confident person, and that probably comes from having an attractive face as well, why not right? Plus it is much less sexy to look at a nude photo with no head. It transforms quickly to being an erotic photo to being one that provokes the question, "cool, a naked body so what?" So, why wouldn't you want to include your face? For one thing these can easily get on the internet, it's a great way to increase your plausible deniability. Secondly, you might want to get a lot kinkier without showing your face and that can be a huge, life destroying problem. After all, if you ever end up becoming famous your ex won't have the opportunity to sell your nude photos for six figures each. This is a tough decision so choose wisely.

5. Pick an area to shoot and make sure it's clean. Get all the things that are unsexy out of the room and be sure to clean your sheets, garbages, and dirty bathrooms. Shooting in a clean environment focuses all the attention on you.

6. Think hard about lighting and don't screw it up. If you do, you will hate the way you look. One, do not use the flash. This messes with your eyes and washes you out, in a bad way. Secondly, use soft lighting. Take your lamps and either point them at the wall to bounce light off of them or point them directly at you. Putting tissue paper over them to diffuse the light makes for a great, sexy, soft, and forgiving photograph. And lastly, the sunlight is your best bet. This may mean taking the nude photos outdoors but that can be extremely sexy as well.

7. Consider a black and white photo. That way, it's a lot more artistic and a little less "I want to be in Playboy." Your parents will appreciate it more as an art piece than anything else, as long as you play your cards right.

8. Be extremely careful when it comes to close-ups of your genitals. Need I say more?

9. Pick the proper angles and the best shots. Here are some things to think about. From below, you can expose that triple chin that you've always hated. If you are bent over from behind, this is just not human like and unnecessary. Extending your body out and lengthening it out is very flattering, scrunching your body down is not. Lastly, don't take it from above. It's cheesy, misleading, and more relevant to pre-teens with a MySpace.

10. Do not attempt to look at your photos halfway through the shoot. As you take more and more photos, you will be become more comfortable and less self conscious. You definitely don't want to ruin this. No one is more critical of your body but yourself, don't worry you can erase the bad ones later.

The Best Secrets When Taking Nude Photos

Now when taking nude photos, you can always use some kind of sexy prop like a stripper pole or bar stool. But, in front of a solid white background is your best bet. It's sexy, straight to the point, focuses all the attention on you and your goodies. After your shoot is all over, plan for the future. Are you actually going to download these onto your computer, will you print them out, are you going to forget to delete them? Whatever your plan is be sure that your perfectly shot nude photos do not end up in the wrong hands. It could destroy you. Take all nude photos with caution.

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